Knoxville Search Engine Optimization

Top 5 reasons why your website gets almost no impressions on Google!

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Low impressions on search engines might be caused by unexperienced web designers who aren't fully trained and qualified to develop a search engine optimized website.

If your website is getting almost no impressions on Google webmaster months after it have been designed that means, there is something wrong with your website.

Prismo can help you optimize your website for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

In this article we will explain you the top 5 reason why websites don’t rank on Google, Bing and Yahoo.


Malwares are the one of the most common causes of the limited search engine visibility. If you are trying to find ways to increase your traffic first check your website for malwares. If you are not an expert just find one of those free websites that you can scan your websites for malwares for free.

You can use this free software to scan your website:

I’m not going to name any company but most of our clients coming to us from one of those do it yourself website companies. As we have mentioned this in our previous article; anyone can design a “stunning website” but Google or Bing doesn’t care about how “stunning” your website looks. It is all about the numbers. If your website is loading under 1 second this a great advantage for your company website. DIY websites load extremely slow and giving you a huge disadvantage over your competitors.

There are certain web standard rules that you must follow. You should always have all your meta tags in place. You should use your headline tags from 1 to 6. Nevertheless, do not stuff keywords in your headlines.

You will need to register your sitemap on Google Webmasters website. You can also consider adding your sitemap file to your robots.txt. Adding your sitemap path to robots.txt file helps search engine bots to find your sitemap file very quickly.


Every website have to be mobile optimized in order to get impressions from mobile devices. In the header of your website you will need to add the code below:

meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"

then you will be marking all the components of your style file with the code below:

@media only screen and (max-width: 640px){

your mobile optimized css code goes here

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